Mission Statement for Project Iboga
It is our mission to get both Ibogaine and 18-MC, an improved analog, into clinical trials in the United States, as well as having research done to compare them with each other. The proposed clinical trial would focus on short term narcotic detoxification, based on being an easy model to prove efficacy and safety. If a narcotic-dependent individual doesn't receive another dose within a certain period of time there are specific changes in their basic vital signs like respiration and pulse, which would be easy to measure and quite definitive within 48 hours. This would allow for relatively brief clinical sessions and enable the substance to progress through all the clinical stages required for US FDA approval. The team in America includes members from NYU Medical School and Albany Medical College, among others. They are prepared to begin the clinical approval process immediately. It is expected that the project would take approximately 18 months up to 3 years to complete.
Upon the sucessful completion of full clinical trials we plan to establish a foundation to direct the creation of a central Iboga Medical Institute. This would train & certify treatment providers. It would also serve to be a center co-ordinating research & publications about iboga therapy. We feel that having a central institute handling these facets will help to insure a high quality of care and increase the likely hood of successful treatment outcomes, as well as supporting continued ethical research into the various Iboga alkaloids.