Current Projects
- We're seeking funding from donors as well as potential matching grant sources.
- Carry out a Comprehensive modern study of the chemistry and especially the botanty of iboga alkaloids. To Look for the best potential methods of production, based on cost and quality of finished product.
- Initiate an initial clinical trial in a The Check Republic into 18-MC and possibly into Ibogaine itself.
Planned Projects
- Production of pure certified GMP quality of 18-MC to enable the initiation of clinical trials of 18-MC for Narcotic Detoxification.
- Commencement of full human clinical trials in collaboration with Albany Medical College, NYU Medical School and University of Vermont Chemistry Department.
- Expansion of international research into additional aspects of iboga alkaloid medicinal actions including against cancer and infections.
- A study comparing 18-MC to Ibogaine for drug detoxification.
- The final and most important project is to create a central academic institute for coordinating research and training involving iboga treatments to insure a high and consistent quality of treatment among various centers.